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Text File
994 lines
; ************************************************
; *
; * Install-MovieShop
; *
; * $VER: Install-MovieShop 2.0 (27.11.94)
; *
; * This is the installation script for VLAB-Motion.
; *
; * Copyright © 1994 MS MacroSystem Computer GmbH
; * All Rights Reserved
; *
; * written by Claus Bönnhoff
; *
; ************************************************
; ********************************
; * Set up some global variables.
; ********************************
(set ProductName "VLab-Motion")
(set MovieShop "MovieShop")
(set Toccata "Toccata")
(set Retina "Retina")
(set VMInit "VMInit")
(set ReSel "ReSelection")
(set Operator "Operator")
(set OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(set Locale (exists "libs:locale.library" (noreq)))
(set TotalFiles 0)
(set ActualFiles 0)
(set DirPath (@default-dest))
(set MovieDirPath (tackon (@default-dest) "VMTools"))
; ****************************
; * Set up some messages.
; ****************************
(if (patmatch @language "deutsch")
; german language
(set language 2)
(set MSG_DEVELOPER "Entwickler")
(set MSG_SELECTPARTS ("Bitte wählen Sie welche Teile der %s Software installiert werden sollen." ProductName))
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS1 (cat ("Dieser Teil der Installation läßt Sie entscheiden, welche Teile ")
("der %s Software sie auf Ihrer Festplatte installieren möchten.\n" ProductName)
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS2 (cat ("*** %s\n" MovieShop)
("Dieser Teil beinhaltet das Hauptprogramm, mit welchem Sie ")
("mit der %s Videos aufzeichnen, bearbeiten und " ProductName)
("wieder abspielen können.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS3 (cat ("*** %s\n" Toccata)
("Dieser Teil beinhaltet alle notwendigen Programme und Dateien ")
("um mit %s gleichzeitig Bild und Ton aufnehmen zu können. \n" MovieShop)
("Dies ist aber nur sinnvoll, wenn Sie eine %s besitzen.\n" Toccata)
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS4 (cat ("*** %s\n" Retina)
("Dieser Teil beinhaltet alle notwendigen Programme und Dateien ")
("um mit %s die Vorteile der Retina-Grafikarte (24Bit Workbench) " MovieShop)
("nutzen zu können.\n")
("Dies ist aber nur sinnvoll, wenn Sie eine %s-Grafikkarte besitzen.\n" Retina)
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS6 (cat ("*** %s\n" VMInit)
("Dieses Programm ermöglicht es Ihnen die VLab-Motion sofort nach dem Start ")
("oder einem Reset des Rechners so zu initialisieren, daß sie das anliegende ")
("Videosignal durchschleift. Es empfiehlt sich das Programm direkt in den ")
("WBStartup-Ordner zu installieren, damit die VLab-Motion immer nach dem Starten ")
("Ihres Rechners initialisiert ist.\n")
("Wie sie das Programm starten entnehmen sie bitte dem Handbuch.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS7 (cat ("*** %s\n" ReSel)
("Dieses kleine Programm ermöglicht es Ihnen zu unterbinden, daß während Ihre Festplatte ")
("einen Datenstrom schreibt sie durch einen anderen Schreibzugriff unterbrochen wird.\n")
("Dadurch ist es der VLab-Motion möglich kontinuirlicher auf die Festplatte ")
("zuzugreifen und es werden höhere Datenraten und damit Bildqualitäten erreicht. ")
("Wie sie das Programm starten entnehmen sie bitte dem Handbuch.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS8 (cat ("*** %s\n" Developer)
("Dieser Teil installiert alle notwendigen Dateien, um die %s " ProducName)
("selber programmieren zu können. Unterstützt werden hierbei die ")
("Programmiersprachen \"C\" und \"Assembler\".")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS9 (cat ("*** %s\n" Operator)
("Dieser Teil installiert die Effekt-Operatoren, die Sie benötigen, um")
("mit MovieShop digitale Effekte machen zu können.")
(set HLP_SETDIRPATH (cat "Wenn Sie mit dem Installer ein Verzeichnis anlegen, ist es "
("sehr sinnvoll, daß sie in den Namen kein Leerzeichen einfügen. ")
("Dieses erleichtert den späteren Umgang, besonders beim Arbeiten ")
("in der Shell und mit AREXX.\n")))
(set HLP_COPYLIB ("Wenn bereits eine Library mit diesem Namen besteht, so wird"
"diese nur überschrieben, wenn sie eine ältere Version ist.\n"))
(set MSG_FALSEOSVERSION ("%s benötigt unbedingt AmigaOS 2.04 oder höher.\n" MovieShop))
(set MSG_MOVIESHOPPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für MovieShop an...")
(set MSG_RETINAPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für die Retina Hilfsprogramme an...")
(set MSG_MACROPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für die MovieShop Macro Datei an...")
(set MSG_VMINITPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für das VMInit-Programm an...")
(set MSG_RESELPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für das ReSelection-Programm an...")
(set MSG_DEVELOPERPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für die VLab-Motion Entwickler Dateien an...")
(set MSG_OPERATORPATH "Geben Sie bitte das Zielverzeichnis für die VLab-Motion Effekt-Operatoren an...")
(set MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK "Bitte legen Sie die Diskette mit dem Namen \"MovieShop\" in ein beliebiges Laufwerk")
(Set HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK (cat MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK "\nIch benötige diese Diskette, um die Installation vornehmen zu können!\n"))
(set MSG_COPYLIB "Kopiere Library %s nach %s...")
(set HLP_COPYLIB "MovieShop benötigt diese Library um richtig arbeiten zu können.\n")
(set MSG_COPYFILE "Kopiere Datei %s nach %s...")
(set HLP_COPYFILE "MovieShop benötigt diese Datei um richtig arbeiten zu können\n")
(set MSG_INSTALLVMINIT "Wollen sie, daß das Programm VMInit auch in Ihre WBStartup kopiert wird ?")
(set HLP_INSTALLVMINIT (cat "Wenn Sie das Programm VMInit auch in Ihre WBStartup kopieren lassen, dann "
("ist die VLab-Motion nach dem Starten Ihreres Rechners sofort initialisiert.\n")
; default language
(set language 4)
(set MSG_DEVELOPER "Developer")
(set MSG_SELECTPARTS ("Select the parts of the %s package you want to install at this time." ProductName))
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS1 (cat ("This part of the installation lets you select the parts of the MovieShop ")
("package you want to install at this time.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS2 (cat ("*** %s\n" MovieShop)
("This option lets you install the MovieShop program. With this program ")
("you will do the main work on your VLab-Motion. It is an non linear video ")
("and audio editing system.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS3 (cat ("*** %s\n" Toccata)
("This option lets you install the new Toccata tools which are required ")
("if you want to edit video and audio simultaniosly.\n")
("This is only useful if you own a Toccata stereo audio digitizer card.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS4 (cat ("*** %s\n" Retina)
("This option lets you install the new Retina libraries which are required ")
("if you want to run MovieShop on an 16 or 24 bit deep Screen.\n")
("This is only useful if you own a Retina grafic accelerator card.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS6 (cat ("*** %s\n" VMInit)
("This program lets you initialize the VLab-Motion hardware without starting ")
("the MovieShop program. It is useful to copy this to your WBStartup drawer, so ")
("the VLab-Motion will be initialized every time you startup your computer.\n")
("For information about starting this programm please refer to your manual.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS7 (cat ("*** %s\n" ReSel)
("This little utility lets you disable the reselection of your hardrive. ")
("Doing this, the VLab-Motion will have faster access to the drive and this will ")
("increase your video quality.\n")
("For information about starting this programm please refer to your manual.\n")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS8 (cat ("*** %s\n" Developer)
("This option lets you install all needed files for programing the VLab-Motion hardware ")
(set HLP_SELECTPARTS9 (cat ("*** %s\n" Operator)
("This option lets you install all the effect operator you need to")
("to make digital effects with MovieShop")
(set HLP_SETDIRPATH (cat "NOTE: If you will using the Installer program's "
("function to create a new directory using \"Make New Drawer...\"")
("it is highly recommended that you DO NOT include ")
("spaces in the drawer name. Following this advice ")
("will avoid any problems accessing the directory, ")
("especially from ARexx scripts.\n\n")))
(set HLP_COPYLIB (cat "If you already have a copy of this library in the selected destination directory, the library "
("included on the distribution disk will be compared to the one you ")
("already have. If your current library is an old version, the newer ")
("version will be installed.\n")))
(set MSG_FALSEOSVERSION (cat ("\%s version %s requires at least AmigaOS 2.04 to run.\n" ProductName VersionNum)
("Press the Proceed button to stop the installation procedure.\n")))
(set MSG_MOVIESHOPPATH ("Please select the directory for the MovieShop program..."))
(set MSG_RETINAPATH ("Please select the directory for the Retina Utilities..."))
(set MSG_VMINITPATH ("Please select the directory for the VMInit program ..."))
(set MSG_RESELPATH ("Please select the directory for the ReSelection program..."))
(set MSG_DEVELOPERPATH ("Please select the directory for the VLab-Motion developer files..."))
(set MSG_OPERATORPATH ("Please select the directory for the VLab-Motion operator files..."))
(set MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK "Please insert disk \"MovieShop\" in any drive...")
(Set HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK (cat MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK "\nI need this disk to completly install your programs.\n"))
(set MSG_COPYLIB "Copying library %s to %s...")
(set HLP_COPYLIB "MovieShop needs this library.\n")
(set MSG_COPYFILE "Copying file %s to %s...")
(set HLP_COPYFILE "MovieShop needs this file.\n")
(set MSG_INSTALLVMINIT "Do you want VMInit to be installed in your WBStartup ?")
(set HLP_INSTALLVMINIT (cat "If you install VMInit in your WBStartup, the VLab-Motion is initialized"
("directly after starting your computer.")
(procedure ChooseParts
; ****************************
; * Ask the user which parts of the package should be installed.
; ****************************
(set Parts
(default 51)
; bit position 0 -- todo & 1
("%s" MovieShop)
; bit position 1 -- todo & 2
("%s" Operator)
; bit position 1 -- todo & 4
("%s" Toccata)
; bit position 2 -- todo & 8
("%s" Retina)
; bit position 3 -- todo & 16
("%s" VMInit)
; bit position 4 -- todo & 32
("%s" ReSel)
(procedure SetDirPath
; ****************************
; * Ask the user for a directory name.
; ****************************
; these variables must be defined before calling this procedure:
; DirPathTitle
; DirPathHelp
; DirPath
; this procedure returns the selected directory in DirPath
(if (= (exists DirPath) 0)
(set DirPath
(prompt DirPathTitle)
(help DirPathHelp @askdir-help)
(newpath DirPath)
(default DirPath)
(set DirPath
(prompt DirPathTitle)
(help DirPathHelp @askdir-help)
(default DirPath)
(if (= (exists DirPath) 0)
(makedir DirPath)
(set moveon TRUE)
(procedure CopyLibFile
; ****************************
; * Copy the specific library file to the LIBS: directory.
; ****************************
; these variables must be defined before calling this procedure:
; CopyLibFileName
; CopyLibFilePath
; DirPath
; workaround for bug in copylib
(if (= (exists (tackon "Libs:" CopyLibFileName)) 1)
(set vernum (getversion (tackon "Libs:" CopyLibFileName)))
(set ver1 (/ vernum 65536))
(set rev1 (- vernum (* ver1 65536)))
(set vernum (getversion (tackon CopyLibFilePath CopyLibFileName)))
(set ver2 (/ vernum 65536))
(set rev2 (- vernum (* ver2 65536)))
(set ver1 0)
(set rev1 0)
(set ver2 1)
(set rev2 1)
(set doit 0)
(if (< ver1 ver2)
(set doit 1)
(if (= ver1 ver2)
(if (< rev1 rev2)
(set doit 1)
(if (= doit 1)
(if (= (exists (tackon DirPath CopyLibFileName)) 1)
(protect (tackon DirPath CopyLibFileName) "+rwed")
(prompt (MSG_COPYLIB CopyLibFileName DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYLIB @copylib-help)
(source (tackon CopyLibFilePath CopyLibFileName))
(dest DirPath)
(procedure IncrementMeter
; ****************************
; * Set the Percent indicator.
; ****************************
; AddToMeter
(set PctDone (/ (* ActualFiles 100) TotalFiles))
(set ActualFiles (+ ActualFiles AddToMeter))
(complete PctDone)
(procedure InstallMovieShop
; ****************************
; * Install all MovieShop files
; ****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(Set DirPath (tackon @default-dest "MovieShop"))
(set MovieDirPath (DirPath))
(set AddToMeter 1)
(if (= Locale 1)
; locale is installed
(if (= language 2)
; german language
(if (= (exists "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch") 2)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "movieshop.catalog" "Locale:catalogs/deutsch/"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source "MovieShop:MovieShop/movieshop.catalog")
(dest "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch")
(optional fail force)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "movieshop.catalog" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source "MovieShop:MovieShop/movieshop.catalog")
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(if (= language 2)
; minloc.library will be installed
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE movieshop.catalog DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/movieshop.catalog"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set OldDirPath DirPath)
(set DirPath "Libs:")
(set CopyLibFilePath "MovieShop:MovieShop")
(set CopyLibFileName "minloc.library")
(set DirPath OldDirPath)
(textfile (prompt MSG_CreateMLL)
(help HLP_CreateMLL)
(append "deutsch\n")
(set AddToMeter 2)
; install main Programm
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "MovieShop" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/MovieShop"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install VJPEG
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "vjpeg" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/vjpeg"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install autoupdate
(if (= (exists "libs:vmotion.library") 0)
(if (= (exists "MovieShop:MovieShop/MovieShop.autoupdate") 1)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "MovieShop.autoupdate" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/MovieShop.autoupdate"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; make all needed drawers
(makedir (tackon DirPath "Macros"))
; install Macros
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "Macros" (tackon DirPath "Macros")))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:Macros/"))
(pattern "#?")
(dest (tackon DirPath "Macros"))
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install default prefs
(makedir "ENVARC:MovieShop")
(if (= (exists "ENVARC:MovieShop/MovieShop.prefs") 0)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "movieshop.prefs" "ENVARC:MovieShop/"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/MovieShop.prefs"))
(dest "ENVARC:MovieShop/")
(optional fail force)
(if (= (exists "ENV:MovieShop") 0)
(makedir ("ENV:MovieShop"))
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "movieshop.prefs" "ENV:MovieShop/"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/MovieShop.prefs"))
(dest "ENV:MovieShop/")
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install macros
(if (= (exists "ENVARC:MovieShop/MovieShop.macros") 0)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "MovieShop.macros" "ENVARC:MovieShop/"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/movieshop.macros"))
(dest ("EnvArc:MovieShop/"))
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install default icons
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "Icons" "ENVARC:MovieShop/"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:MovieShop/"))
(dest "ENVARC:MovieShop/")
(pattern "def_#?")
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; finaly all needed library
(set CopyLibFilePath "MovieShop:MovieShop")
(set DirPath "Libs:")
(set CopyLibFileName "vmotion.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(set CopyLibFileName "motioneffect.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(set CopyLibFileName "multipic.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(set CopyLibFileName "pfile.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(set CopyLibFileName "asl.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(procedure InstallOperator
; *****************************
; * Install all effect operator
; *****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(Set DirPath (tackon MovieDirPath "Operators"))
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "Operators" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source "MovieShop:Operators/")
(pattern "#?")
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 25)
(procedure InstallToccata
; ****************************
; * Install all Toccata files
; ****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(set CopyLibFilePath "MovieShop:Toccata")
(set DirPath "Libs:")
(set CopyLibFileName "toccata.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(procedure InstallRetina
; ****************************
; * Install all Retina files
; ****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install retina.library
(set CopyLibFilePath "MovieShop:Retina")
(set DirPath "Libs:")
(set CopyLibFileName "retina.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(set CopyLibFileName "retinaemu.library")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(procedure InstallVMInit
; ****************************
; * Install VMInit
; ****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(Set DirPath (MovieDirPath))
(set AddToMeter 1)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "VMInit" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:Tools/VMInit"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 2)
(if (askbool
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "VMInit" "SYS:WBStartup"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:Tools/VMInit"))
(dest "SYS:WBStartup")
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
(procedure InstallReSel
; ****************************
; * Install ReSel
; ****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(Set DirPath (MovieDirPath))
(Set DirPathTitle MSG_RESELPATH)
(set AddToMeter 1)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "ReSelection" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:Tools/ReSelection"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "ReSel_ON/OFF" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:Tools/"))
(pattern "RESEL_#?.info")
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
(if (= Locale 1)
; locale is installed
(if (= language 2)
; german language
(if (= (exists "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch") 2)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "resel.catalog" "Locale:catalogs/deutsch/"))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source "MovieShop:Tools/resel.catalog")
(dest "Locale:Catalogs/deutsch/")
(optional fail force)
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE "resel.catalog" DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source "MovieShop:Tools/resel.catalog")
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(if (= language 2)
; minloc.library will be installed
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE resel.catalog DirPath))
(source ("MovieShop:Tools/resel.catalog"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set DirPath "Libs:")
(set CopyLibFilePath "MovieShop:MovieShop")
(set CopyLibFileName "minloc.library")
(textfile (prompt MSG_CreateMLL)
(help HLP_CreateMLL)
(append "deutsch\n")
(set AddToMeter 1)
(procedure InstallDeveloper
; ****************************
; * Install all Developer files
; ****************************
(set existsrc (getassign "MovieShop" "v"))
(if (= existsrc "")
(askdisk (prompt MSG_GETMOVIESHOPDISK)
(help HLP_GETMOVIESHOPDISK @askdisk-help)
(dest "MovieShop")
(Set DirPath (tackon @default-dest "MovieShop/Developer"))
(set AddToMeter 1)
; install all include files
(prompt (MSG_COPYFILE (cat MSG_DEVELOPER "-Dateien") DirPath))
(help MSG_COPYFILE @copyfiles-help)
(source ("MovieShop:Developer"))
(dest DirPath)
(optional fail force)
(set AddToMeter 1)
; *************************************************************************
; *************************************************************************
(exit (quiet))
(if (< OSVersion 37)
; count number of files to be installed
(if (BITAND Parts 1)
(set TotalFiles (+ TotalFiles 15)))
(if (BITAND Parts 2)
(set TotalFiles (+ TotalFiles 24)))
(if (BITAND Parts 4)
(set TotalFiles (+ TotalFiles 2)))
(if (BITAND Parts 8)
(set TotalFiles (+ TotalFiles 3)))
(if (BITAND Parts 16)
(set TotalFiles (+ TotalFiles 3)))
(if (BITAND Parts 32)
(set TotalFiles (+ TotalFiles 4)))
(complete 0)
(if (BITAND Parts 1)
(if (BITAND Parts 2)
(if (BITAND Parts 4)
(if (BITAND Parts 8)
(if (BITAND Parts 16)
(if (BITAND Parts 32)
(complete 100)